Jumu'ah Khutbah at 1pm Timetables
Oct 22 Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 06:20 12:56 15:27 17:58 19:27
Jamā‘ah 06:45 13:45 16:15 17:58 20:00
Jumu'ah Khutbah at 1pm Timetables

Re-opening the Mosque Safely Guidance

In the name of Allah, the most kind, the most merciful.

This guide has been developed by the committee of Darus Salam Mosque and Islamic Centre. It has been designed to ensure the Mosque is re-opened safely following the easing of the lockdown measures imposed by the Government due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

This It is a non-exhaustive list of considerations based on Government policy, and council and Islamic Organisational advice.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “There is no wisdom equal to good planning” (Mishkat). We pray that this planning combined with the very real unity that we have seen across the community will be rewarded by Allah by allowing us to emerge from this crisis stronger than ever.

It is the responsibility of all attendees to ensure that you read, understand and follow the guidance provided in this document. It is vital everyone does their bit to ensure the House of Allah remains a safe place to go and pray.

Failure to comply with this policy may lead to the Mosque being closed to prevent the spread of the virus.

  1. The Mosque will be operating at a reduced capacity, as such children (under 14 years old) are to stay at home.
  2. Those who have been identified as vulnerable are to stay at home.
  3. Over 65s, please stay at home.
  4. The wudu room and toilets will be closed to prevent the spread of the virus; please ensure you do your wudu at home.
  5. Please bring your own medical mask, gloves, clean prayer mat, and shoe bags with you – the Mosque will not be able to provide these to you.
  6. You will only be allowed entry into the Mosque after confirming that you have medical mask AND a shoe bag.
  7. Please wear your medical mask at all times.
  8. Do not use any sharable items provided in the Mosque including Qurans and chairs.
  9. If you require a chair, please bring your own. If you are unable to bring your own, please request a chair from a volunteer.
  10. Please be respectful to all, and if you are asked to leave by a volunteer, please do not be offended and recognize this is for the safety and wellbeing of all.
  11. There is to be no lingering and congregating in the prayer hall, the reception or outside (car park). You will be asked to leave if you do.
  12. There is to be no social contact with others. This includes hand-shaking and hugs. You may be asked to leave if you do so.
  13. If you have any waste, please dispose of them safely in the bins provided.
  14. Avoid making any contact with surfaces.
  15. Do not turn on the cooling ceiling fans.
  16. Please download the Government Track and Trace apps.

a. All those attending the mosque for congregational prayer must not be displaying any symptoms of Covid-19, such as high temperatures, persistent coughs and / or loss of taste. Further, those who may have displayed such symptoms in the past 14 days are also advised to stay at home. If you begin to display symptoms of Covid-19 following your attendance at the Mosque, please stay at home and seek medical advice.

Upon entry into the Masjid, a volunteer will ask you whether you are or have been displaying symptoms of Covid-19, if you are / have, then you will be kindly asked to leave by the volunteers.

Elderly people are at increased risk and are categorized as vulnerable by the Government, as such, those who are above the age of 65 years, are advised to stay at home and to not attend the Mosque. Those who have been identified as vulnerable to Covid-19 by the Government, e.g. those with pre-existing medical conditions such as Asthma, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure (note this is not an exhaustive list) are advised to stay at home and not attend the Mosque.

b. If you have received a Covid-19 positive test and you have recently attended the Mosque, please contact a member of the management committee and advise them immediately. Others will need to be told if they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 *note we will not share your personal information with anyone, nobody will be advised of the person who has tested positive for Covid-19.

c. Track and Trace: upon entry into the Mosque you will be asked a number of questions by the volunteer/s (more details below). In order to track and trace anyone who may have been in contact with someone who is Covid-19 positive your name and contact details will be taken. This is to ensure that we can trace everyone who has been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 at the Mosque and so they can be advised. * Note: Your personal details will NOT be shared with anyone and your details will only be held for as long as it is deemed necessary by the Mosque committee.

  • You will be permitted entry into the Mosque 15 minutes before the start of the Jamaat prayer.
  • Late comers, may not be allowed entry into the Mosque.
  • You will not be permitted entry once maximum capacity is reached.
  • Upon entry you will be required to que outside of the Mosque and wait for a volunteer to call you in (as you would when entering a supermarket).
  • Please maintain a distance of 2 meters from everyone in the que and a distance of 2 meters from all volunteers.
  • The volunteer will ask you a number of questions upon entry, including:
      1. Are you displaying any symptoms of Covid-19?
      2. Have you displayed any symptoms of Covid-19 in the past 14 days?
      3. Have you been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 in the past 14 days?
      4. Have you got any medical conditions that puts you at increased risk of Covid-19?
      5. Have you got your own medical mask, gloves, shoe bag, or prayer mat?
      6. Have you got wudu?
  • Upon entry, you will be reminded to keep a distance of 2 meters from others; you will be guided to our cleaning station to sanitize you hand.
  • Keep your shoes with you at all times, place in a clean sealable bag, and place next to you whilst praying. Do not use the shoe racks. * These will NOT be provided by the Mosque; it is your responsibility to bring these.
  • The volunteer will guide you to a safe place to pray, remain in this spot during your time in the Mosque; if required / possible, a disposable prayer mat may be provided.
  • Please only pray your Fardh salah / prayer at the Mosque, all other prayers are to be performed at the home.
  • Please do not use any sharable items at the Mosque, including Qurans. If you wish to use a Quran please download an app on your phone and use that.
  • Upon the end of the Jamaat prayer please leave one at a time. Ensure that you are keep a distance of 2 meters from others. Additional, exits will be opened for you to exit through.
  • Upon leaving, ensure that you take all of your personal items with you. At the end of the prayer the Mosque will be cleaned and all items left behind will be disposed of.
  • Please only leave when you are told do so by the volunteers.
  • Currently the Mosque is operating at reduced capacity, as such the Jummah prayer may not take place. Further updates will be provided via darussalammosque.org.
  • Social gatherings, such as coffee evening will not be taking place until further notice.
  • Regarding Eid prayers, updates will be provided closer to the time.

These will continuously be under review.

Darus Salam Mosque and Islamic Centre are reliant on your kind hearted donations so we urge you to donate generously towards the House of Allah.  

Please donate online: https://darussalammosque.org/donate/ and use the Paya donation button if you are looking to gift aid your donation.

Donate via a bank transfer:

Account name: Darus Salam Mosque & Islamic Centre

Bank: Barclays Bank

Sort Code: 20-26-20

Account No: 903 22 555

Cash donations:

  • Please enclose your donation in a sealed envelop with your name and contact details, and send to the treasurer or secretary.
  • Donation buckets will remain around the Mosque, for you to donate.

For the safety of all we are looking to limit cash handling, thus we request that you donate online or via a bank transfer.

If you have a complaint please send this in writing to:

Imam AM Al-Mohsin, Darus Salam Mosque and Islamic Centre, 45 – 47 Slade Lane, Longsight, Manchester, M13 0QJ

or Email: darussalam@hotmail.co.uk

Please contact one of the following individuals if you have tested Covid-19 positive or have developed Covid-19 symptoms after attending the Mosque immediately.

  • Vice Chairman: Shahed Hossain
      • Contact number: 07507 123380
  • Treasurer: Durud Ali
      • Contact number: 07958 005107
  • Trustee: Amdadul (Ali) Haque
      • Contact number: 07825 447767
      • Email: haque.ali@googlemail.com