Jumu'ah Khutbah at 12:50pm (approx.) Timetables
Feb 08 Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 06:11 12:26 14:41 17:07 18:37
Jamā‘ah 06:45 13:00 15:30 17:07 19:30
Jumu'ah Khutbah at 12:50pm (approx.) Timetables

About Us

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismillāhir Ramānir Raīm
(In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)  

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

As-salāmu alaikum wa-ramatu -llāhi wa-barakātuh
(Peace be upon you, as well as the mercy of Allah and his blessings)

Darus Salam Mosque and Islamic Centre is a mosque and multicultural faith centre situated in the heart of Longsight, Manchester. It has proudly served the local community since 1994, striving to advance the religion of Islam in accordance with the teachings of The Holy Quran and Sunnah of The Prophet Muhammad ().

With the will of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala / SWT /سبحانه وتعالىthe mosque has grown exponentially and in 2022, 28 years after originally opening its doors to the community, it provides a great number of services to over 500 people every week. However, the needs of the community have grown greater than the facilities we are able to offer thus insha-Allah (if Allah wills) we intend to expand our mosque and offer the use of state of the art facilities and more services to our congregation in the near future.

Uthmān ibn ʿAffān (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah () said, “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise” (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 439, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 533). We are immensely proud of the fact that the mosque has been and continues to be funded solely by the local community through their generous donations, may Allah (SWT) reward all our donors. 

Furthermore, the mosque is humbled by the large number of people who volunteer from within the community to provide and run the services we offer. Indeed, we believe the best of people are those that bring the greatest benefit to the rest of mankind, therefore we are appreciative of all our volunteers, who give up their precious time, to serve The House of Allah (SWT) and ensure the efficient running of the mosque. 

We truly are a mosque founded by the community, run by the community and for the community.

Darus Salam Mosque and Islamic Centre is the hub of the community, a place for people of all races & cultural backgrounds to gather, learn and worship Allah (SWT ). We welcome everyone to attend the mosque and be a part of our amazing community insha-Allah.

Many services and activities are offered at Darus Salam Mosque and Islamic Centre, ranging from Educational services such as our acclaimed Madrasha for Children and our Islamic Marriages services, to recreational activities, such as children’s football. In all that we do we look to promote the message of Peace, Unity and Compassion. Our mission is to strive for excellence in Prayer, Education and in community services.

Our History

Our Committee Members